Frequently Asked Questions
Below we have provided a list of questions and answers that may assist with who we are, what we do and how we do it. If you do not find the answer to your question feel free to send us an email at
What will I need to sign up to be a tow truck driver with ITOWU?
-tow truck drivers will have to complete the E-learning -upload their vehicle -upload vehicle registration -upload driver license -liability insurance -as well as inputting your bank information *Note everything will need to be verified on the back end
What services can I sign up for as a provider through completing E-Learning courses if im not a tow truck driver?
-Battery -Tire -Lockout -Fuel These are the services you will need to just pass the E-Learning to be able to take on jobs for the users
How much of a percentage does ITOWU get when a provider completes a job?
-ITOWU will only keep 10% of the earnings from the completed job
Is there a sign up or cancelation fee with ITOWU?
-No to sign up is free and you may cancel at any time free of charge
What will happen if I get there but I’m unable to complete the job?
-The service providers have the power to cancel jobs and will provide a reason as to why the job has been canceled
If the user cancels a job will I still get paid?
-If the job is cancelled within 5 minutes of selecting a service, then a cancel fee will not be applied. If the job has been accepted and goes over the 5-minute time limit, then the formula is applied to get the total amount needed to pay for the cancelation fee If the drive 10 miles and the total cost is $100 0 mile = 5% 1 mile = 6% 2 mile = 7 % 3 mile = 8% 4 mile-= 9% 5= 10% 6=11% 7= 12% 8=13% 9=14% 10=15% Then we multiple that percentage by the total cost Of the job to get the cancelation fee Example total cost is $100 Driver moves 10 miles then